Aleksey Pesoshin holds a meeting of the Leader of the Year-2017 contest committee

12 December 2017, Tuesday

On December 12, at the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin held a meeting of the Leader of the Year-2017 contest committee.

Pesoshin noted that as many as 123 heads of enterprises and organizations representing various branches of industry and spheres of the economy have become the nominees of the contest in 2017. The participants were selected based on the recommendations from regional ministries and agencies, city and district municipalities, employers' association, Federation of Trade Unions of the republic.

The contest includes nine nominations such as "For High Competitiveness", "For Investment Activity", "For Achievements in Innovative Activity", "For High Social Responsibility", "For Active Development of Personnel Potential", "For Introduction of Research, Development and Design Papers"," For Successful Management of Small (Medium) Business","For Creation of Safe and Healthy Working Conditions","For Establishment of a New Production Facility".

The meeting considered candidates that can become winners of the annual regional public contest, which has been held since 2001 in order to ensure public recognition, encouragement and dissemination of positive experience of the best managers of enterprises and organizations that have achieved high results in their work and have made a significant contribution to solving the tasks of socio-economic development of the republic.

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