Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin: 27 500 people work in the sphere of housing services and utilities in Tatarstan

22 March 2024, Friday

On 22 Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in an event dedicated to the Day of Housing Services and Utilities Workers held in Kazan where on behalf of the regional Government he congratulated the employees of the sphere with their professional holiday.

“Today we have here workers of the housing services and utilities  from all municipalities of the republic and those who are directly related to this sphere and there are 27 500 people who work in the sphere of housing services and utilities in the republic, “ he said
Aleksey Pesoshin emphasized that the coordinated work of all institutions and enterprises, cleanness and order in yards and streets, light, heat and water supply to houses and as the result the comfort and well-being of all residents of the republic depend on professionalism of housing services and utilities employees.
He stated that even though much work is done in the republic in renovating housing services and utilities infrastructure there are still many problems. “I am sure that due to the track taken by the administration of our country, your high professionalism and responsible and dedicated attitude to your work we will solve tasks we are facing,” the regional Prime Minister said.
In conclusion he wished employees and old stagers of the sphere and their near and dear ones good health, optimism, prosperity and professional success and handed in Tatarstan and Russia state awards to the most outstanding workers, while the regional Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Utility Sector Marat Ayzatullin handed in departmental awards.

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