Summer recreation campaign to cover 172,000 children in Tatarstan

27 May 2024, Monday

On May 27, speaking at a briefing in the Government House of the republic, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Leila Fazleeva said that the summer recreation campaign to cover 172,000 children in Tatarstan.

Deputy Prime Minister of the republic noted that in summer more than 1.500 organizations of all forms of recreation will be organized, including 4 camps on the Black Sea coast with a coverage of more than 5,000 people with more than 2 billion 506 million roubles provided for the organization of children’s summer holidays.

The Head of the Tatarstan Department of Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Agency for Surveillance of Human Rights and Wellbeing) Marina Patyashina reminded that summer camps can start work only with sanitary-epidemiological certificate, which applies to organizations of all forms of recreation. To date, 84 per cent of school camps have already received certificates.

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