Congratulation from Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin on the occasion of the Day of Trade Unions of the republic

24 September 2024, Tuesday

Dear Tatarstan residents!

On 24 September in his congratulatory address to residents of the republic on the occasion of the Day of Tatarstan Trade Unions, the Prime Minister of the republic Aleksey Pesoshin said: “To day we are celebrating the Day of Tatarstan Trade Unions as it was in this day – on 24 September of 1920 that the first congress of trade unions of the republic was held. This event was the bedrock for the further development of the institute of protection of rights and interests of workers.

Under complicated geopolitical situation, the trade unions as one of the most mass-scale public organizations has an important task of solving social and economic issues of wide layers of population and creating an accessible environment for the development of labour capacity and creative abilities of every employee.

Tatarstan Trade Unions Federation is an active participant and quite often an initiator of changes in social and labour sphere. Interaction of trade unions and the state power bodies of the republic has proved its efficiency in the form of the social partnership.

For more than one hundred years of their existence they have proved to be the main stabilizing public force facilitating prosperity of our country.”

In conclusion Aleksey Pesoshin wished all members of the Trade Unions movement dynamic development, preservation of all positive traditions and achievement of their main task.

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