Expert Council of the Advanced Engineering School by the Innopolis University has approved a programme of the school development

18 November 2022, Friday

On 18 November Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov and the Vice-rector of Innopolis University Iskander Bariyev took part in a meeting of the Expert Council of the Advanced Engineering School by the Innopolis University held by Russian Deputy Minister of Digitalization Maksim Parshin in Moscow. The project is being implemented with the support from the Russian Ministry together with such industrial partners as the Gazprom, Gazprom Neft (oil), VK, Rostelecom Communication Company and MTS.

Speaking at the meeting. Iskander Bariyev informed about approaches and stages of implementation of the frontier technological task which will result in development of a repository, a system of development management, a system of statistical and vulnerability analysis and the code optimization and auto-generation by 2030. He also presented a programme of the development of the Advanced Engineering School by the Innopolis University “New generation of IT-engineers for RAD and Russian software implementation”, which will include new programmes of additional and university education developed by the University experts together with partners for training high-qualification engineering personnel such as “Information systems engineering”, “AI and Data Engineering” and others.

He also informed that the School will have four new specialized educational spaces which will become interactive complexes of advanced training for assessment of competences of information security, AI and software engineering specialists.

“Today we have stated main challenges for the Advanced Engineering School which are mainly aimed at further development of Russian science and industry, replenishing the lack of qualified engineers and solution of the frontier technological task. I am sure the special experience of Innopolis university experts will help quick implementation of this project in Innopolis”, Roman Shaykhutdinov said.

For information:

The federal project of the Advanced Engineering Schools was launched in 2022 by the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education and is aimed at training of highly qualified engineers for high-tech branches of economy.

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