Head of Tatarstan Construction Ministry Marat Ayzatullin reports about implementation of construction and capital overhaul programmes in 2023

3 January 2023, Tuesday

On 3 January, speaking at a regular regional meeting held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin in the Government house of the republic, the regional Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Utility Sector Marat Ayzatullin  reported about implementation of regional and federal construction and capital overhaul programmes in 2023. 

He informed that in 2022 the construction complex of the republic completely fulfilled its liabilities, having implemented 6 national, 8 state and 44 regional construction and capital overhaul programmes.

Reporting about plans for the current year, Marat Ayzatullin said it is planned to implement 44 regional programmes with the total financial limit of nearly 54bn roubles which will be spent on construction, overhaul, modernization and improvement of  more than 3 500 facilities.

On the top of that the Ministry will be involved in implementation of 6 national projects and 4 state programmes which includes monitoring of construction and overhaul of 203 facilities, Marat Ayzatullin said.

Aleksey Pesoshin also drew attention to the necessity to complete the facilities remaining under work from the previous year in due time.

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