Chairperson of the Rosbank Board Natalya Voevodina visits Innopolis

7 April 2023, Friday

On 7 April the Chairperson of the Rosbank Board of Directors Natalya Voevodina came to Innopolis where, accompanied by Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov, she visited the main IT-facilities of the city and tested the unmanned taxi.

At the Innopolis University Natalya Voevodina was shown main developments of the IT-university in different spheres including robotics and in the Technical Park after A. Popov she was told about possibilities provided by the special economic zone of Innopolis to IT-companies and specialists.

In the Technical Park, she gave a lecture to residents of Innopolis about the future of digital currencies, in particular the digital Ruble, which is the new national currency additional to cash and non-cash money. Thus Natalya Voevodina discussed with the audience main differences of digital financial assets (DFA) and said that they mainly differ from the digital currency being developed by the Central Bank as they are not payment instruments. She also stressed that the Rosbank is an active participant of digitalization process including its projects in using digital Rubles, block chain technology and DFA for shares of large public companies.

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