Letters of Gratitude from the ANO Dialogue and ANO Dialogue Regions handed in in the Tatarstan Government House

30 May 2023, Tuesday

On 20 May Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Leyla Fazleyeva and the regional Human Rights Ombudsman Sariya Saburskaya took part in a ceremony of handing in Letters of Gratitude from the ANO Dialogue and ANO Dialogue Regions held in the Government House of the republic.

The Director General of the ANO Dialogue and ANO Dialogue Regions Vladimir Tabak, who handed in the awards, stated that Tatarstan is one of the active partners of the organization. “We always hold up work of Tatarstan as an example of one of the best advanced and modern regions in the sphere of information,” he emphasized.

“ANO Dialogue has special relations with Tatarstan and building our model all over the country we mostly used the experience of the republic. That is why every my trip to Kazan is more than a business trip. It is the only regions where we have an educational center where we hold our expert councils,” he continued.

In her turn Leyla Fazleyeva said: “Work of press-secretaries and communications specialists is very important as it helps people to understand better what is happening in the republic and where it is going,” Today it is extremely important and necessary that the population understands which tasks the power bodies are facing and why they are taking this or that decisions, she concluded.

The Letters of Gratitude from ANO Dialogue and ANO Dialogue Regions were handed in to public officers, communications specialists and press-secretaries of Ministries and departments of the republic.

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