As many as 558 multi-apartment houses in 40 municipalities of Tatarstan are under capital overhaul

1 June 2024, Saturday

On 1 June, speaking at a regular meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnihanov with participation of the regional Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, the Chairman of the State Council of the republic Farid Mukhametshin and all municipalities of the republic taking part in it via videoconference, the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector of the republic Marat Ayzatullin reported about the work progress in capital overhaul of social and cultural facilities, water control structures and multi-apartment houses.

Thus he informed that 185 educational facilities are under capital overhaul by 7 federal and regional programmes, 137 facilities by the Healthcare programme, 16 cultural facilities, and facilities included into the youth policy programme.

Marat Ayzatullin also told that work is already going on at 17 out of 21 facilities included in the Ecology programme and reported that  558 multi-apartment houses in 40 municipalities of Tatarstan are under capital overhaul in Kazan and various regions of the republic.  

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