Twelve regions of Tatarstan fully completed work under the “Our Yard” programme

13 September 2024, Friday

On September 13, speaking at a meeting held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin in the Government House of the republic, the Director of the Fund “The Institute of Development of Tatarstan Cities” Nailya Zinatullina reported on the implementation of the Our Yard programme and said that road works under the programme are planned to be fully completed soon. To date, the total work of completed road work makes 96 per cent of the planned, 21 regions have already completed the road work.

The installation of street lighting is completed in 26 regions of the republic, with the total work completed by 95 per cent.

The specialists of the Fund continue to visit areas to monitor progress on improvements and main observations are low quality equipment and installation, as well as deviations from the catalog of standard designs for road works.

Over the past month, citizens sent 579 requests, which is 35% less than in the previous period. The decrease in the number of requests is due to the completion of active construction work.

Nailya Zinatullina told about preparation for the implementation of the Our Yard programme for 2025.

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