Aleksey Pesoshin holds a regular meeting of the Tatenergo Company Board and sums up the results of the first half of the year

18 September 2024, Wednesday

On September 18, in the Government House of the republic Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin held a regular meeting of the Tatenergo Company Board of Directors which summarized results of business and financial performance of the company in the first half of the year.

The board reported that in the first half of the year the company produced 7 931 bln kW of electricity which is by 19 per cent more than during the same period last year and supplied 6 802 thousand Gcal of heat to consumers which is by 8 per cent more than during the same period last year.

For the first half of 2024, the company’s revenue amounted to 31,013 million roubles, which is 12 per cent higher than in the same period last year.

As of July 1, overdue accounts receivables made 500,4 million roubles.

The Board members got acquainted with the preparations for the autumn-winter period of 2024-2025. In total, there are 248 key events in the plan, being carried out according to schedule, 162 events have been completed to date, which is 71% of the total plan for the company.

In general, the preparation of «Tategergo» enterprises for winter is on schedule, operational staff training of company stations is conducted, readiness of basic equipment to transition to reserve fuel is checked, all major equipment repairs are carried out on schedule, fuel stocks are in accordance with approved standards.

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