Capital overhaul still going on in 322 multi-apartment houses in 22 municipalities of Tatarstan with work completed in 427 of the rest of them

21 September 2024, Saturday

On 21 September, speaking at a regional meeting held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin in the Government House of the republic with all municipalities taking part in it via video conference, the regional Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector Marat Ayzatullin reported that the capital overhaul is still going on in 322 multi-apartment houses in 22 municipalities of the republic and the contractors have completed work in 427 houses in 19 municipalities, which makes 94 per cent of the plan.

He also informed about amount of work to be completed at the facilities by the healthcare, education, culture and youth policy programmes as well as about work done in the spheres of ecology and regional programmes of Ministries of Forestry, Sports and Agriculture.

Marat Ayzatullin also told about the programme “Modernization of Post Offices” in the republic, having informed that 47 offices have already undergone capital overhaul and 35 offices will be renovated or built in 20 municipalities of the republic in 2025.

The regional Minister also reported about the utility payments in January-August of the current year, the arrears of the managing organizations and the readiness of various facilities for the coming heating season.

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