Shamil Gafarov about BRICS Summit: Representatives of 33 countries have confirmed their participation

14 October 2024, Monday

On 14 October at a briefing in the Government House of Tatarstan journalists were informed about who will come to the BRICS summit to Kazan, who will have meetings with the Rais (Head) of the republic Rustam Minnihanov, what restrictions will be introduced in the capital of the republic and what is expected as the results of the largest international event.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the republic, the Chief of the Office of the regional Cabinet of Ministers Shamil Gafarov said that Kazan will host the largest international delegations which have never before visited not only Tatarstan but Russia as well. “Representatives of 33 countries have confirmed their participation, including the leaders of 24 countries and the remaining nine of them will be represented by second and third highest officials. Kazan will also host six international organizations and the General Secretary of the UN Antonio Gutteres will also come to the summit,” he informed.

He also informed about main venues of the Summit and delegations accommodation and restriction to be introduced from 21 to 24 October in various power bodies of the republic and educational institutions.

The Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the Rais of the republic Igor Savelyev told that Rustam Minnikhanov will have an intense agenda during the Summit and will take part not only in events with participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin but also will have meetings with leaders of foreign countries. “We are now preparing the agenda of these meetings as there are requests because Tatarstan is interesting to the whole world. The countries want to develop cooperation with us,” he clarified.

He emphasized that for Tatarstan the BRICS summit will become an opportunity not only for strengthening ties with other countries but also for establishing the new ones.

Igor Savelyev said that it is important to use this opportunity to demonstrate international guests the high capacity of the republic and thus to show the world the diversity, strength and the uniqueness of our country

The Deputy Head of the Police of the Russian Internal Ministry for Tatarstan Aleksandr Mischikhin informed that part of the traffic restrictions during the Summit will be introduced if only needed and depending on the traffic situation.

The Head of the Kazan Executive Committee Rustem Gafarov informed that preparations to the BRICS Summit facilitated substantial investments into the city infrastructure and 7.9bn rubes were allocated on road construction, landscape improvements, renovation of engineering infrastructure and the like. He also informed that the international protocol and safety issues require introduction of certain restrictions and recommended businesses and commercial structures to provide vacations to their employees or transfer them to the remote work regime during the summit. Rustem Gafarov also informed which streets will be closed during the summit, what changes will be introduced into work of public transport and where parking will be prohibited. At the same time, he added, healthcare institutions will continue their normal work.

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