Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in laying the foundation stone of Planetarium and Astropark on the territory of observatory named after V.Engelgardt
22 August 2011, Monday
President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in laying the foundation stone to Planetarium and Astropark on the territory of observatory named after V.Engelgardt of Kazan federal university.
On arriving to observatory (Zelenodolsk municipal region) Rustam Minnikhanov overviewed exposition of space technologies development and work of telescope Refractor. A detailed plan of territory development was introduced to Rustam Minnikhanov where in the nearest time construction of Planetarium and Astropark is to be started (designer – Kazan GiproNIIaviaprom ).
It is expected that Planetarium will solve such problems as growth of interest towards investigation of starry sky, astronomy and exact sciences. Extra infrastructure will be located nearby – thematic expositions (“Starry sky on earth”, “Moon beacon”), a café, hall-transformer for 100 places. By and large 28 new objects will appear on the territory of observatory. Cost of construction works will make 450 mln. roubles.
Speaking before participants of the ceremony rector of Kazan federal university Ilshat Gafurov reminded that this year astronomical observatory named after V.Engelgardt will celebrate 110-anniversary (in 1901 Vasily Engelgardt gifted to Kazan university equipment of his Dresden observatory, thus the observatory was built and named after V.Engelgardt).
By words of Ilshat Gafurov after long discussions the conception of further development appeared. It includes such areas as scientific-research section, opportunity to use space technologies for national economy, and educational set of issues. All mentioned tasks will be realized by renewed observatory, Planetarium and Astropark. Rector of the university thanked members of board of trustees – executive board of JSC “Ak Bars” Bank and President of Tatarstan for their decision to sponsor such a serious project.
Rustam Minnikhanov said he was visiting observatory for the first time and was impressed by what he had seen - the scientific base, high-skilled specialists. Today Kazan University has a federal status and serious achievements and new important tasks are set before Kazan federal university. We want it to become well-known in the world and one of the leaders in global education. He wished so that new project would be successfully realized.
RF Deputy Minister of finances Aleksei Lavrov also wished successful realization of the project and read out a welcoming telegram addressed to Observatory on behalf of RF Deputy Minister of finances Tatiana Nesterenko.
Hero of the Soviet Union, astronaut Anatoly Beresovoy and Chairman of Central board of Union of space forces veterans Igor Kurinnoy addressed participants of the ceremony with welcoming speech. They handed President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and Rector of Kazan federal university Ilshat Gafurov honorary badges “For the sake of life on Earth” for personal contribution to development of domestic astronautics.
According to Anatoly Beresovoy this badge is the award for space workers. He reminded as well that the Observatory will be involved in scanning space rubbish which is a very urgent issue nowadays.
Finally “Ak Bars” Bank and Kazan federal university signed agreement for construction of scientific-educational complex “Planetarium” on the basis of astronomic observatory named after V.P.Engelgardt. The document was signed by rector of Kazan federal university Ilshat Gafurov and chairman of JSC “Ak Bars” Bank executive board.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region of the republic, the Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025 and held in the Center of Cultural Development of Zelenodolsk.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin together with the Head of the region Mikhail Afanasyev took part in a ceremony of handing in medals “80 years to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (WWII)” to two war veterans, a residents of the blockaded Leningrad and the home front worker living in the region.
On 24 February Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin came on a working trip to Zelenodolk region of the republic to take part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025.
On 18 February during his working trip to the Village of Verkhniy Uslon Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin had a meeting with the home front worker Khazyar Shaykhlislamova, who was born on 26 December 1929 and during all years of the WWII worked as a milkmaid in the Izmerskiy sovkhoz, and handed her in a jubilee medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.