Regular programme for government employees from Tatarstan opened at Civil Service College in Singapore

3 October 2017, Tuesday

On October 3, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov visited the Civil Service College in Singapore, where he took part in the opening of the educational programme “Leadership and innovations in action” for 21 government and municipal employees from Tatarstan and attended the lecture “From the “Garden in the city” concept to the “City in a garden” concept.

Opening a regular educational programme, Minnikhanov emphasized that issues of training are a priority for Tatarstan and Singapore opens up all the opportunities for professional development. "Tatarstan has developed training and advanced training systems for all levels of state and municipal authorities. We like studying the best world practices. Our republic has a long-term and strong friendship with your college, educational projects have been implemented since 2009 and have proven to be useful. The experience of Singapore is now being successfully implemented in Tatarstan. This project was launched with the direct participation of the esteemed leader Lee Kuan Yuu. I wish you success and diligence in your studies. I am sure that each of you will bring new ideas and innovations in Tatarstan after your internship," Minnikhanov said.

The internships are aimed at studying the experience in the field of public administration of Singaporean colleagues. As a result of the educational programme, each participant prepares a report on the internship they have undergone and makes specific proposals for the implementation of the successful Singapore experience in the republic. Over 300 representatives of government and municipal employees from Tatarstan have participated in these programmes since 2009. 

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