Tatarstan Minister of Agriculture Marat Akhmetov: Harvest of sugar beet makes more than 3 mln tonnes

28 October 2017, Saturday

On October 28, at a meeting at the Tatarstan Government House, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the republic Marat Akhmetov reported on the harvest of sugar beet in the republic and field works conducted for the next year. The harvest of sugar beet has made more than 3 mln tonnes, he informed.

According to Akhmetov, more than 500,000 hectares of winter crops have been sowed, and soil cultivation is underway. Thus, 1.8 mln of 2 mln hectares have been cultivated.

Head of the ministry focused on those regions that are lagging behind, namely Kamso-Ustinsky, Alekseevsky, Muslyumovsky, and Bavlinsky regions. Twelve regions have finished the harvest of sugar beet.

The planned processing of sugar beet is underway at all three plants in the republic. It was noted that 138,000 tonnes of sugar have been produced.

Moreover, the harvest of sunflower is underway, 50,000 hectares have been harvested.

The corn has been harvested at the area of 180,000 hectares.

The gross output of grain has made 45,000 tonnes.

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