Address of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov on the occasion of the National Day of Unity

4 November 2017, Saturday

On November 4, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated Tatarstan citizens on the National Day of Unity.

“Dear Tatarstan citizens! From the bottom of my heart Icongratulate you on the National Day of Unity. This day has a special place among other commemorative events celebrated in Russia. More than four centuries ago our ancestors set up a nation-wide militia, which defeated the enemy and liberated the capital of our motherland. This marked the start to overcoming one of the most dangerous crises in the history of our state.

We learned a lesson from those historical events that the power of multi-national Russia and well-being of our people are in the unity of the peoples.

Today and as it was in those yearly years, Tatarstan is the mainstay of Russia, which contributes significantly to the development of our country.

We are grateful to representatives of all ethnicities and faiths, as well as older generations for their diligent work for the prosperity of our native republic and our motherland.

Dear friends! I wish all of us peace, harmony and well-being.

Happy Holiday! Happy National Unity Day!

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov”.

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