Rustam Minnikhanov congratulates citizens of the republic on the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Tatarstan

6 November 2017, Monday

On November 6, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated citizens of the republic on the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan.

«Dear citizens of Tatarstan!

On my own behalf and on behalf of the local State Council and the Government I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of our republic.

The Basic Law of Tatarstan fully reflected the extent of social, economic and political changes that took place at that time in the country, became a document that plays a decisive role in the development of the legal system of the region. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan constructive relations with the federal centre  have been built. 

Tatarstan is the leading Russian region in terms of economy, social sphere, spiritual and cultural development. Our experience is in demand both at the federal and regional levels. The achievements of the republic would be impossible without constant and all-round support of the country’s leadership, the Russian President Vladimir Putin first of all.

Dear citizens of the republic!

Our Constitution plays a great role in strengthening the social and political stability in the republic. Effective interaction of all branches and levels of power, guarantee of free expression of the will of people, equality of all participants of social development - these and other constitutional provisions are realities of our life.

More than 60 regional branches of all-Russian political parties, about 2,000 religious and thousands of trade union organizations, over 350 national-cultural autonomies and societies, along with other public associations, contribute to the development of the civil society.

The understanding of the need to continuously improve the mechanisms of social harmony is the most important historical lesson we learned from the revolutionary events that took place a hundred years ago. The consolidation of all active forces of the society is an indispensable factor in counteracting various destructive and radical manifestations that are growing in the modern world.

Thanks to peace and harmony, the dynamic development of the economy, Tatarstan successfully provides high standards of education, health and social protection, and has a special attitude to our historical, cultural and spiritual heritage.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, supporting sports, taking care of the environment have a beneficial effect on our society as a whole. Patriotism, love for the small Native Land and Motherland unite us and inspire us for new achievements.

Dear friends!

The Constitution Day reflects visible achievements in building a legal social state, in which a decent standard of living, human and civil rights and freedoms are ensured.

I wish all of us confidence, unity and optimism, peace and well-being. Happy Holiday! Happy Day of the Constitution of Tatarstan!".

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