A seminar for state officials on the compliance with the requirement of anti-corruption legislation held in the Government House of the republic

18 November 2017, Saturday

On November 18, in the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin, state officials, heads of municipal regions, representatives of ministries and departments of the republic took part in a seminar on compliance with the requirement of anti-corruption legislation for regional officials holding public and municipal offices, as well as state civil and municipal employees.

Director of the Scientific and Educational Centre for Counteracting Corruption of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Alexey Konov made a report at the seminar.

The seminar considered in detail issues of compliance with the anti-corruption legislation in terms of ​​preventing and resolving conflicts of interests as one of the key elements of the state anti-corruption policy.

The speaker reminded that the improvement of the legal foundations and organizational mechanisms to prevent and identify conflicts of interest are indicated in the first place in the list of main tasks of the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2016-2017.

He outlined objectives of regulating conflicts of interest, defined the conflict of interest, and called measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest.

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