Rustam Minnikhanov and Anatoly Chubais opened the exhibition «Look, this – NANO»

11 November 2011, Friday
Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov and Chairman of JSC “Rosnano” Board Anatoly Chubais opened an exhibition of entertaining technologies «Look, this – NANO» at the Kazan university. The exhibition for students of 3-11 forms was opened in a conference hall of Kazan federal university. It will work until December 2.

The event is held in the context of regional project “Weeks of nanotechnologies” organized by the Fund of infrastructure and educational programs. Visitors can see unique nano-materials, prospective energy-efficient technologies, and advanced research equipment in order to get acquainted with nano-world.

Art objects created using products of nanotechnological companies were presented at separate exposition.

Popular scientific lectures for senior pupils and students, master classes are planned to be held in the context of the exhibition program. VIP guests looked over the exhibition, saw presented displays and visited a creative laboratory where children invent “things of future” in the context of picture context “Thing of future”.

For information: since “Weeks of nanotechnologies” started in March 2011 the exhibition has been presented in Ulyanovsk, Tomsk, Penza, Perm and Moscow. Moreover, about 100 popular scientific events have been organized within the project. 33 thousand people have already participated in the project.
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