Speech of the Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov at the 5th forum of the World congress of Tatars
7 December 2012, Friday
Dear guests!
I am welcoming you in the Republic of Tatarstan! A historical event for all Tatar people is being held in Kazan today. The Tatar congress is a long-awaited holiday. The Congress of Tatars and the Republic of Tatarstan have travelled a long way for 20 years. The Congress of Tatars has united Tatar people, fulfilled great work on maintaining the native language, national culture and traditions. The World congress of Tatars is a successful project. It is our standby that always justifies our confidence.
We have recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. The main law implies equal possibilities for national development of the Tatarstan peoples. At the same time, the Constitution assigns a mission to help Tatar people residing abroad.
Wherever Tatars live, they consider Tatarstan their historical motherland. It places great responsibility on the republican leadership and Tatarstan citizens in terms of development of our language, culture and customs.
In the period of rapid development of information technologies one of the main tasks is creation of a single information environment for Tatars.
For this purpose we opened twenty-four-hour Tatar channel – TNV planet. By joint efforts of the government and the congress the portal “Tatar world” (“Tatar ile”) was created.
The online school for studying the Tatar language “Ana tele” will start working from 2013 (developed by the world-known company “Education First”). Everyone will be able to study the Tatar language.
The Tatars are diligent and hard-working people. Diligence caused advent of a strong group of Tatar businessmen in country’s regions. We keep in touch with them and share our experience. Such meetings are very useful.
Successful development of large Tatar villages in Russia such as Urta Elezen, Shygyrdan, and Gali demonstrates good example. We should use successful experience of the Tatar world.
The congress fulfills its activity in different areas and involves all groups of Tatar population. Forums and other events are held in republic with participation of the Tatar youth, imams, scientists, rural businessmen. These projects have obtained nationwide support.
Dear congress delegates!
Advanced positions of our republic in economic, agricultural, social, cultural, educational and sports spheres resulted from great constructive work that has been implemented in Tatarstan and our joint efforts.
In 2012 Tatarstan’s industrial output is expected to make 1 trillion 400 bln roubles.
According to the program of social and economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2011-2015, the GRP is to make 2 trillion roubles by 2016.
To achieve these goals, large-scale projects are being realized in Tatarstan. Kama industrial territorial production cluster is considered the growing point of the republican economy. It comprises the largest Tatarstan enterprises, namely KAMAZ, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, TAIF-NK, TANECO, Nizhnekamskshina, Ammonia, plants located on the territory of special economic zone “Alabuga” with the main enterprise “Ford-Sollers”.
34 resident companies with overall announced investments of 3 bln US dollars are now registered at SEZ “Alabuga”.
The developed innovative infrastructure has been built up in republic. It includes industrial parks, technoparks, investment and venture funds, and Russia’s first Nanocenter.
We are now realizing another unique project - construction of the satellite city Innopolis with IT university. Highly skilled IT specialists will live and work there. The Russian Government assigned the status of special economic zone of technical innovative type to this project. We invite representatives of intellectual and business sectors and advanced young people to participate in the above mentioned projects.
We also put much emphasis on development of mass sport in Tatarstan. Within the last three years 37 sport objects have opened in republic.
Kazan is preparing for hosting one the world’s largest sport events – World summer Universiade 2013. Construction of new sport and transport objects and reconstruction of the old ones are underway. The renewed Kazan airport, high-speed aero express, metro line with 10 stations will welcome tourists and sportsmen from over 170 countries. We will be waiting for you at new football stadium for 45 000 seats at the opening ceremony.
Tatarstan’s stability and achievements is the secure basis of the country’s development. Tatar people are well-known all over the world due to its diligence, tolerance, adherence to inter-ethnic and inter-confessional peace and harmony.
The Tatars are second most populous nation in Russia. Numerous Tatar diaspora reside abroad.
Support of compatriots is one of the main activities in Tatarstan accomplished under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of foreign affairs, the Government commission for affairs of compatriots and the Federal Agency for CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation. I would like to express special gratitude for supporting our initiatives and projects.
I am pleased with vigorous activity of our compatriots outside Tatarstan.
For the last few years I have held about 40 meetings with compatriots from different places all over the world: Vladivostok, Altai, Australia, USA, Poland and Finland.
I would like to express gratitude for conscientious service to our people and respect to our compatriots who became famous all over the world. Many of them are present here today.
Wherever Tatars live, they achieve success, raise authority of our nation. Such unity helps us looking forward with confidence.
Sabantui, a favourite holiday of our people, unites the Tatar world, all generations and different nations.
This year Sabantui was held in 54 Russian regions and 22 foreign countries. It was for the first time celebrated in England, Belgium, Poland and Lithuania. Inclusion of Koresh belt wrestling in Universiade program is another achievement.
We are proud that Sabantui is becoming the world cultural heritage.
Today we also put much emphasis on studying and preservation of spiritual, historical and cultural heritage.
One of our priority projects is reconstruction of the old town of Bolgar where Islam was voluntarily adopted for the first time on the Russian territory.
Events called “Izge Bolgar zhyeny” take place every year on this holy land.
Dear delegates!
These days you will be discussing urgent problems concerning development of our nation and possible solutions.
Many efforts have been taken for development of the Tatar people in recent years. I hope that new members of the executive committee will continue working in this area.
Unity of the Tatar people is a standby for our republic. We put high hopes on future of the Tatar people. If we remain united we will enjoy prosperity.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region of the republic, the Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025 and held in the Center of Cultural Development of Zelenodolsk.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin together with the Head of the region Mikhail Afanasyev took part in a ceremony of handing in medals “80 years to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (WWII)” to two war veterans, a residents of the blockaded Leningrad and the home front worker living in the region.
On 24 February Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin came on a working trip to Zelenodolk region of the republic to take part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025.
On 18 February during his working trip to the Village of Verkhniy Uslon Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin had a meeting with the home front worker Khazyar Shaykhlislamova, who was born on 26 December 1929 and during all years of the WWII worked as a milkmaid in the Izmerskiy sovkhoz, and handed her in a jubilee medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.
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