Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan holds a meeting on the key parameters of the forecast for socio-economic development of Tatarstan for 2023-2025

8 September 2022, Thursday

On September 8, at the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin chaired a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic with participation of Chairman of Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin, representatives of ministries and departments on the key parameters of the forecast for socio-economic development of Tatarstan for 2023-2025, the forecast of the consolidated budget of the region for 2023 and for the planned period of 2024 and 2025 and the draft budget of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the republic for 2023 and the planned period 2024 and 2025.

Opening the meeting, Pesoshin congratulated everyone on the Day of the financier, which is celebrated on September 8.

He also said that the parameters of the regional forecast of socio-economic development Tatarstan were formed on the basis of the forecasts of leading enterprises, ministries and departments, as well as current indicators of the republic's economy.

According to the Prime Minister, in January-July 2022 the gross regional product (GRP) of the republic amounted to 2 trillion 116 billion roubles, or 105.6 per cent in comparable prices for the same period last year.

The result of today’s joint work should be a balanced forecast and budget, which provides the necessary parameters for the implementation of tasks for ensuring social and economic stability, Pesoshin said. He emphasized that national projects, social programmes, federal and regional support measures and other measures are aimed at solving these strategic tasks.

Tatarstan Minister of Economy Midkhat Shagiakhmetov reported on the main parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the republic for 2023-2025.

According to the head of the Ministry of Economy, taking into account the plans of enterprises, existing risks, the GRP of 2022 is estimated at 3.7 trillion roubles, or 100.6 per cent at comparable prices last year.

He also said that in 2023 the GRP of Tatarstan is projected at 100.8 per cent in comparable prices in 2022, in 2024 it will make 103.2 per cent, in 2025 - 102.7 per cent.

Industry occupies the largest share in the structure of the economy.

Shagiakhmetov also said that according to the results of 2021, the republic managed to retain 2nd place in the investment rating of regions.

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