Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitriy Chernyshenko visits Innopolis

1 September 2023, Friday

On 1 September Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitriy Chernyshenko accompanied by Tatarstan Deputy Prime-Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov visited the Innopolis Lyceum where he gave an open lesson about fidgital sports, dedicated to innovational development and raising the harmonious generation.

Earlier the same day Dmitriy Chernyshenko and the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in a ceremony of opening three new dorms and congratulated the freshmen with the beginning of the new academic year. The campus has free Wi-Fi, cleaning service and a laundry and two cafeterias. The maintenance of the buildings will be provided with the use of information simulation technologies which later will be scaled up for other Russian world class campuses.

In 2023 the University enrolled 432 freshmen from 18 countries having selected them from 11 216 applicants from Europe, North and South Americas, Africa, Asia, the CIS, Australia and Oceania.

Addressing the students, Dmitriy Chenyshenko said: “Innopolis has all necessary conditions for you to study, live, work and take part in interesting projects in partnership with the largest technological companies of the country. The university has 100 per cent employment of its graduates and a huge experience in launching successful startups. It is you who will solve the task set up by Vladimir Putin of achievement of technological sovereignty of Russia. I am sure you will solve it with flying colors.”

Dmitriy Chernyshenko underlined that educational process is impossible without modern comfortable infrastructure and in Innopolis it was built from a scratch and the process is still going on. Having mentioned the national project “The Science and Universities”, he informed: “New dorms for 1 thousand students which we have opened today are equipped with necessary facilities and the federal budget allocated more than 2.5bn rubles on their construction. I am sure the new dorms will expand possibilities for enrollment of students as the demand for the education at the Innopolis is constantly growing. This is not surprising as students are getting knowledge in IT spheres which today are drivers of the development of the country, ‘the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia said.

In his turn Rustam Minnikhanov said: “Tatarstan is one of leading regions in digital transformation. The University of Innopolis occupies a special place in developing digital skills. Expansion of the university campus is an important step towards developing modern infrastructure and the innovative educational environment. Today students have all necessary conditions and most important is that the Innopolis University is one of the most promising educational institutions of the country. I would like to thank Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitriy Chernyshenko for the support granted for implementation of this large scale project.”

Later the same day Rustam Minnikhanov and Dmitry Chernyshenko were shown the AI projects of the Research Center and the Neuro-artist service based on AI.

At the meeting Roman Shaykhutdinov told Dmitriy Chernyshenko about results of the university work and plans of its further development, mentioning key innovative AI, robotics, unmanned technologies and technologies transfer center ad well as the plans of expansion of the range of majors and development of unmanned aircraft and industrial robotics.

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