Agreement on establishment of the land grain hub in Tatarstan signed at the KazanForum

15 May 2024, Wednesday

On 15 May on the sidelines of the XV KazanForum  Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin on behalf of the Government of the republic and the Director General of the New Land  Grain Corridor Yuri Manevich signed an agreement on establishment of a land-based grain hub in the republic. 

The agreement entails the creation of a specialized high-tech facility for high-speed transhipment of grain cargoes in Tatarstan with a capacity of 8 million tons per year. The grain hub will be located near the Dan Xiaopin International Logistics Complex as part of the development of the "Zerno+" logistic model and the replication of the technology of land-based railway transshipment of bulk cargoes.

Specialized grain-container trains will be sent from the new grain hub in the export direction, and goods for consumer consumption and components for manufacturers in Tatarstan will come back in the same containers.

The cargo base of the hub being created is grain produced in Tatarstan and the regions of the Central Federal District of Russia. The target supply markets will be China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and others. The return freight in the amount of 200 000 TEU a year will come to transport logistics centers with which the grain hub will be connected technologically and by partnership relations. 

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