Address from Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin on the occasion of the 79-anniversary of the end of WWII and Victory over militarist Japan

3 September 2024, Tuesday

In his address congratulating  residents of the republic with the 79-anniversary of the end of WWII and Victory over militarist Japan, Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin said: “This date has a special meaning for us as it was the last full stop in the most bloodshed war of the XX century. After the WWII was finished, the Red Army soldiers continued to fight courageously for the freedom of friendly countries, including China and Korea, which were enthralled by Japanese militarists.

The most horrible war in the history of humankind, which took lives of millions of people, broke human destinies and destroyed thousands of cities and villages, finished in the Far East on 2 September 1945 when the Act of unconditional surrender of Japan was signed which meant the end of the WWII.

We are eternally grateful to courageous front-line soldiers for the peaceful sky, to workers of the rear and labour old stagers, who made a contribution into the crushing defeat of militarist Japan.  We bow down before you for you military and labour acts of heroism and I wish you good health, long live and family well-being.”

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