Aleksey Pesoshin congratulates employees of machine-building industry with their professional holiday

29 September 2024, Sunday

On 29 September in his address on the occasion of the Day of Machine-building Worker, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin congratulated employees and old stagers of the branch with their professional holiday and said: “Machine-building is one of leading branches of economy of Tatarstan which forms high added value and influences quality of life of the population. Stable work of defense and transport industries, manufacture of agricultural machinery and consumers’ goods is impossible without this branch which has a huge highly concentrated professional and intellectual capacity.

Our machine-building enterprises constantly develop and successfully master manufacture of innovational produce which gained recognition both in Russia and abroad, making it possible for Tatarstan to take leading positions in the country in using advanced industrial technologies. The republic is famous for its automotive and aircraft industries, manufacture of cable and electro-technical produce and equipment for oil and gas industry.

Due to hard work in engineers, designers and blue-collar workers the production rate is growing, new modern technologies are introduced and new spheres of production are mastered from year to year.”

In conclusion Aleksey Pesoshin wished all representatives of the machine-building branch good health, success in their work, prosperity and confidence in the future.

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