Aleksey Pesoshin awards winners of the regional “Territory of Law” competition

31 January 2025, Friday

On 31 January at the regional Internal Ministry building in Kazan Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin and the Internal Minister for the republic Damir Satretdinov took part in a ceremony of awarding winners of the regional “Territory of Law” competition.

The competition was established in 2007 with the aim of promoting positive experience of municipalities, cities and rural settlements and administration of various institutions in providing public order, legal education of teenagers and young people and crime prevention, and, speaking at the ceremony, the regional Internal Minister stated that Tatarstan is one of the safest regions of the country

“Heads of municipalities, cities and regions make a substantial contribution into ensuring public order. Practically in every settlement there is a well-equipped public police control room,” Damir Satretdinov said.

In his turn Aleksey Pesoshin emphasized that heads of municipalities actively participate in solving issues of financing and implementing of the Safe City complex. “Administrative- residential complexes for rural community policemen actively work in Tatarstan, the law enforcement bodies get active support from neighbourhood watch groups in regions and cities,” he said.

“I am sure this competition will continue giving impetus to our joint work in strengthening law and order and ensuring safety of our residents,” Aleksey Pesoshin concluded and handed in awards to winners of the competition.

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