Tatarstan delegation in Sochi

18 September 2009, Friday

Tatarstan delegation headed by RT Prime Minister R.N.Minnikhanov took part in solemn opening of the VIII International investment forum “Sochi-2009”.

Co-chairmen of organization committee – Deputy chairman of Russian government Dmitry Kozak, Minister of economic development of Russia Elvira Nabiullina and Governor of Krasnodar region Aleksandr Tkachev addressed to participants of the forum with welcoming speech.

Dmitry Kozak said that representatives of more than 30 countries and 54 regions of Russian Federation are taking part in forum. By his words, post-crisis problems are the main ones for discussion. Moreover increasing of effectiveness of housing and communal services, banking sphere and other problems will be touched upon at the forum.

Minister of economic development of Russia Elvira Nabiullina noted that nowadays economic development is impossible without modernization and investments. She considers that it is necessary to develop such areas as power efficiency and divergence from raw-material economy.

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