Overall production of gas and petrochemical industry of Tatarstan in January-September increased by 1.7 per cent

10 November 2015, Tuesday

On November 10, at a board session of OAO “Tatneftekhimivest-holding” ( a coordination and expert centre, working in a wide range of business lines of Gas & Petrochemical Complex) held by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov in Kazan, it was reported that in January-September 2015 the profit of main gas and petrochemical enterprises of the republic amounted to 136,6 bln rubles.

The overall production of gas and petrochemical industry of Tatarstan increased by 1.7 per cent. The cost of shipped products increased by 14 per cent and made 848 bln rubles. Major gas and petrochemical enterprises transferred 37 bln rubles to regional and local budgets. The amount of capital investments increased.

It was noted that Taneco and TAIF-NK are among the few Russian plants expected to put into operation advanced oil refining units in time. Construction of Ammoni plant has finished.

Also, oil production in the republic increased by 1.7 per cent. Tatneft Oil Company produced 19 mln and 886 thousand tonnes of oil, and small companies produced 5.3 mln tonnes. The profit of KVART and residents of Himgrad decreased, whereas Nefis Cosmetics, Nizhnekamskneftehim and Kazanorgsintez showed the profit growth.

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