Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in opening of 8th international exhibition “Aerospace technologies, modern materials and equipment”

10 August 2016, Wednesday

On August 10, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the opening of 8th international exhibition “Aerospace technologies, modern materials and equipment” at Kazanskaya yarmarka exhibition center.

In his welcoming speech Minnikhanov noted that aviation industry is well developed in Tatarstan, and it is important to hold such events in order to invite partners, discuss topical issues and share experience.

Among the most important tasks he focused on the project of relaunching the production of strategic bomber TU-160, development of helicopter engineering plant and other enterprises, which supply industry with equipment and innovative technologies.

Director of the Department for aviation industry of Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Sergey Emelyanov, who attended the event, conveyed greetings from Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, and wished everyone to expand their contacts.  

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