Rustam Minnikhnov meets representatives of Tatar community in Kanada

26 September 2016, Monday

On September 26, in Toronto, during a working visit of Tatarstan delegation to Canada, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov had a meeting with the Tatar community living in Canada.

Rustam Minnikhanov thanked participants of the meeting for preserving the social and cultural integrity of Tatars living in Canada, as well as for maintaining and developing national traditions, language and culture.

"Despite the fact that you are living far from your historical homeland, you have managed to find each other and band together. I would like to note that the Tatar public organizations in your country have established fruitful relations with Tatarstan and executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars. We appreciate your contribution to the enrichment of our common spiritual values," he said.

The president briefly told about projects being implemented in Tatarstan, which are aimed at uniting Tatars all over the world.

In their turn leading officials of the community thanked Tatarstan President for attention and support given to Tatars living in other countries.

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