Ildar Khalikov: Safeguarding of children stay and nutrition in educational institutions should become more essential issue
8 February 2011, Tuesday
February,8. RT Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov took part in work of final board session of Russian Federal consumer rights protection and human health control service.
The event was held in National cultural centre “Kazan”.
Head of RT government put much emphasis on children and their safeguarding while staying in educational institutions. In his opinion, this issue should become more urgent this year.
“We have positive experience in organizing nutrition for children at schools and kindergartens. Kazan has well recommended itself in realization of project on organization of school students’ nutrition and we have to take it as a basis”, - Ildar Khalikov said.
Head of Russian Federal consumer rights protection and human health control service on RT Viktor Morozov noted that almost 90 % of all school students receive hot nutrition, but quality and organization give rise to complaints. Annually mass enteric infections and food poisoning are registered in schools.
Viktor Morozov reminded that in Tatarstan level of total sickness rate among children being on holidays in summer health-improving institutions decreased by 2,3 times.
Still members of the board have serious complaints regarding maintenance state of these objects.
Viktor Morozov believes that such institutions should be transferred to year-round operating mode.
Ildar Khalikov, in his turn, asked services responsible for preparation of summer health-improving institutions not to postpone considering this issue.
RT Minister of health care Airat Farrakhov informed that three centres for medical examination of foreign citizens will open in Kazan in 2011. These institutions will be founded on the basis of military hospital under Ministry of interiors on RT, Republican centre on AIDS and infectious diseases prevention under RT Ministry of health care and one of private medical centres.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region of the republic, the Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025 and held in the Center of Cultural Development of Zelenodolsk.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin together with the Head of the region Mikhail Afanasyev took part in a ceremony of handing in medals “80 years to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (WWII)” to two war veterans, a residents of the blockaded Leningrad and the home front worker living in the region.
On 24 February Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin came on a working trip to Zelenodolk region of the republic to take part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025.
On 18 February during his working trip to the Village of Verkhniy Uslon Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin had a meeting with the home front worker Khazyar Shaykhlislamova, who was born on 26 December 1929 and during all years of the WWII worked as a milkmaid in the Izmerskiy sovkhoz, and handed her in a jubilee medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.