Rustam Minnikhanov visits facilities of Kazan Federal University campus

9 March 2017, Thursday

On March 9, before an annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov looked around facilities of the university campus. 

He began his tour with the visit to the former Kazan Military hospital. Three buildings were included in the university's assets six months ago and became part of its medical campus. According to Rector of the University Ilshat Gafurov, they will house lecture rooms and laboratories of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine. At the moment, repair and restoration works are underway there. The process is complicated by the fact that this complex is an object of cultural heritage (it was built in the first half of the 19th century). The first classes are planned to be held this autumn. 

Then, Tatarstan President headed for the surgical hospital of the medical-sanitary unit of the KFU (University Hospital "Kazan"). The repairing works started in October last year. To date, the reception and diagnostic department, surgical wards, resuscitation and technical departments have been completely updated. Each operating room is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Gafurov noted that up to 100 people apply to the hospital every day.

Minnikhanov also visited the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, where he was told about the activities of the Centre for Training Specialists for foreign companies doing business in Tatarstan (Haier, LG, etc.). Listeners learn not only the language but also the culture and traditions of a particular country. At the moment, the Centre offers three main areas, including Chinese, Korean and Japanese. 

Tatarstan President also got acquainted with the work of the Department of Archeology and History, where he looked around educational facilities, laboratories and talked with teachers.

After that, Minnikhnov looked around educational building No.5, which, according to Gafurov, is not occupied by any of the faculties and needs serious reconstruction, which costs 150 million roubles. Rector said that it is planned to organize a centre for retraining teachers of the republic there. The President approved the project and gave an errand to look into possible sources of funding.

Finally, Minnikhanov visited the Institute of Psychology and Education, where he was presented a centre for pedagogical magistracy. The "ideal school" with classes of chemistry and physics for the preparation of future teachers was organized there.  Its laboratories feature the most diverse equipment, which is used in educational institutions of Russia.

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