One of world leaders in the sphere of public catering to be engaged into organization of catering at Kazan medical institutions

11 May 2011, Wednesday
One of the largest companies in the sphere of organization of public catering – French «Sodexo» may be engaged into organization of catering at Kazan medical institutions. Today the project was presented at a meeting of RT Premier Ildar Khalikov with Director-general of «Sodexo» in Russia Edi Perisic.

RT Minister of health care Airat Farrakhov and Head of Department of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service on RT Marina Patyashina took part in the meeting.

In Tatarstan «Sodexo» provides 22 000 meals daily for employees of “KAMAZ” and patients of reconstructed emergency hospital in Naberezhnie Chelny. Ildar Kahlikov thanked «Sodexo» for providing high-quality nourishment on behalf of “KAMAZ” employees and patients of the hospital.

It was noted that «Sodexo» company had shown itself to good advantage in reconstructed emergency hospital in Naberezhnie Chelny thus republic is ready to consider possibility of expanding outsourcing in the sphere of catering at republican and municipal hospitals located in Kazan.
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