Rustam Minnikhanov submits for consideration by State Council of Tatarstan the candidacy of Aleksey Pesoshin for the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan

17 April 2017, Monday

On April 17, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the 27th session of Tatarstan State Council of the 5th convocation held by Chairman of the Council Farid Mukhametshin.

Acting Prime Minister of the republic Aleksey Pesoshin, State Counsellor of the republic Mintimer Shaimiev, members of Tatarstan Government and other officials took part in the session.

This morning Minnikhanov submitted for consideration by the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan a proposal to approve Aleksey Pesoshin as Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan. The document was submitted to the regional parliament.

On April 3, 2017 Ildar Khalikov resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan due to a transfer to another appointment.

The issue of approving a new Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan is on the agenda of today's 27th meeting of the Tatarstan State Council.

The Presidium of the regional State Council suggested putting 29 issues in the agenda, including 10 drafts of regional laws, 16 federal draft laws and legislative initiatives of legislative assemblies of the Russian regions. Six bills are prepared for consideration in the first reading, two - in the second and one - in the third reading.

"In accordance with Article 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, we have to approve the candidacy of the Prime Minister submitted by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The candidature of Aleksey Pesoshin was considered and approved at meetings of all committees of the State Council today," Mukhametshin said before approving the agenda. This issue will be considered first, he said. 

Also, the 27th meeting will consider draft laws on making amendments to the Land Code of the Republic, the Code of the Republic of Tatarstan on Administrative Violations, as well as to the repugional laws on organization of capital repairs of common property in multi-apartment houses, on urban development, on the mandatory original copy of documents in the first reading.

Bills on intangible cultural heritage and on making amendments to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Tatarstan are prepared for the second reading. In the third and final readings, members of the parliament will consider a draft law on the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan.

A report on the activities of the  Commissioner under the President of the Republic ofTatarstan for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in 2016 will be made at the meeting. Besides, it is planned to approve the candidatures of four justices of the peace. During the Government Hour the information of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic on results of work on the transfer of services provided by the authorities to the electronic form for the purpose of effective interaction of public authorities with the population inTatarstan will be presented.

Rafil Nugumanov and Leonid Yakunin made proposals to include new issues in the agenda. Thus, the agenda of the 27th meeting of the State Council of the republic includes 41 issues.

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