On July 28, at Tatarstan Government House, Acting President of the republic Alexey Pesoshin held a session of interdepartmental working group on increasing the quality and availability of state services and implementation of the project “Open Tatarstan” in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Pesoshin said that rendering of state services in electronic format increases its availability and reduces financial expenses of the state and citizens. He informed that 240 services are available on the portal of state and municipal services today. Citizens of the republic received more than 55 mln services in electronic format for the first half of 2017.
The plan of actions on digitization of state, municipal and socially important services was approved in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 1, 2015. It aims to increase the number of citizens, who use state services in electronic format up to 70 per cent in 2018.
Making a keynote report, Minister of Information and Communications Roman Shaikhutdinov told that “Electronic school diary” and “Booking appointment with a doctor” are the most popular services. The minister noted that the sum of made payments has considerably increased. As compared to the same period of the previous year, it increased by 1,5 times and made 8 bln roubles. Citizens pay for housing and utility services and kindergarten more often.
According to Shaikhutdinov, major efforts were taken on updating the service “Booking appointment with a doctor” and other services in the sphere of social welfare. Currently, services in the sphere of construction, submission of applications to kindergarten, and receiving archival letters and hinting permit are being improved.
In order to support small and medium-size businesses, state support measures under programmes “Micro loans” and “Leasing grant for mono-towns” are available in electronic format. Also, the Minsitry of Information and Communications has started developing the project of regional state programme “Digital economy in the Republic of Tatarstan”.