August 2023

On August 17, at the Government House of the republic, the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Project Manager of Rosatom Production System of Rosatom State Corporation Dmitry Repyev, representatives of the Administration of the Rais of the republic and the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, ministries and departments, regional organizations and enterprises took part in a joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan and the Coordination Council on the implementation of the pilot project «Efficient Region» chaired by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin and participation of all municipal areas connected via videoconference.

August 2023

On 15 August, speaking at a briefing in the Tatarstan Government House, the regional Minister of Youth Affairs Rinat Sadykov informed that nearly 3 thousand young Tatarstan families have bought residential due to the state support measures from 2018. He told that there are four programs being implemented in the republic under the auspices of the Ministry, namely the provision of young families with housing, the Young Family, the Youth Housing Competition and the law of the state support of young families for accommodation improvement.

On 15 August the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Consul General of China in Kazan Xiong Bo took part in a meeting of the organization committee on preparation and holding the International forum ”ROSTKI: Russia and China – mutually beneficial cooperation” held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin in the Government House of the republic.

August 2023

On August 12, speaking at a regional meeting in the Government House of the republic held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, the regional Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector Aleksey Frolov reported on the major repair of cultural and social facilities and multi-apartment houses carried out under the regional and federal programs.

In his congratulations on the occasion of the Air Force Day, Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin wrote: “Dear Air Force aviators and veterans! On 12 August our country celebrates the Air Force Day which a symbol of many years heroic service to the Fatherland and selfless accomplishment of the military duty.

August 2023

On August 8, speaking at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, the Aide to the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan, Head of the regional branch of the "Movement of the First" Timur Suleymanov said that Tatarstan will host the first in Russia ceremony of admission to the "Movement of the First". This will happen during the First Forum in Bilyarsk, which started today.

August 2023

On 5 August, speaking at a meeting held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin with all municipalities of the republic via videoconference in the Government House of the republic , the regional Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov reported about results of work of cattle breeding sphere in the republic in the first six months of the current year and the current harvest campaign.

On 5 August, speaking at a meeting held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin with all municipalities of the republic via videoconference in the Government House of the republic, the regional Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector Marat Ayzatullin reported about programme activities in this spheres, modernization of infrastructure and provision of accommodation to certain categories of citizens.

August 2023

On August 4, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a solemn opening of a new 110 kV Azino substation named after Forel Tinchurin in Kazan. On the facade of the substation there is a memorial plaque in honor of Tinchurin, who was the director of the Kazan branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute from 1976 to 1994. Then the guests looked around the substation. They were shown a server rom, an electrical control room, modern equipment, a relay room and other workrooms and got acquainted with the work of the equipment of the 110 kV closed distribution point.

August 2023

On 1 August, speaking at a briefing in the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers, the Chairman of the State Committee of the republic on bioresources Fedor Batkov reported that every year about 400 administrative violations on average at specially protected areas are detected and from 60 to 80 criminal cases are opened in the republic.

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