Prime Minister of Bavaria accepts an invitation to pay a return visit to Tatarstan

19 September 2017, Tuesday

On September 19, during his two-day working visit to Munich, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov had a meeting with Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer.

This is their second meeting in Munich this year. Besides, Rustam Minnikhanov and Horst Seehofer held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. An agreement was signed between TAIF (Nizhnekamskneftekhim Petrochemical Company) and Linde AG at the forum. "We hope that this cooperation will continue to develop actively,” Minnikhanov said. “I would be grateful for your support of this and other joint projects. We are interested in expanding contacts and are ready to support German business, which comes to our republic with its technologies, capital and innovative projects," he continued.

As noted at the meeting, the trade turnover between Tatarstan and Germany exceeded 1 billion euros in 2016, and by the results of the first half of the current year it increased by 1.9 times. Minnikhanov reminded that leading German companies such as Daimler, Siemens, Linde, BASF, Bosch, SAP are actively operating in Tatarstan. "We will be glad to develop cooperation with Bavarian business circles and look forward to constructive interaction," Minnikhanov emphasized.

Tatarstan President also noted that Germany and Tatarstan have close contacts in the humanitarian sphere. The republic is cooperating with leading German educational facilities such as the Goethe Institute, the German Research Association, and the German Academic Exchange Service, he went on to say. 

According to Tatarstan President, the regions have the opportunity to establish ties in the sphere of sport. He expressed his hope to see official representatives and Bavarian fans at the FIFA World Cup matches to be held in Kazan in 2018.

The main subject of the talks was the planning of a return visit of the Bavarian delegation to Tatarstan. In response to the invitation of Rustam Minnikhanov, Prime Minister of Bavaria said that he is ready to pay a return visit to the republic with an extended delegation to get acquainted with Tatarstan, discuss current and prospective projects with partners, and study the investment potential of the republic. 

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