Rustam Minnikhnov meets Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gulomzhon Ibragimov

10 October 2017, Tuesday

On October 10, at the Presidential Residence in the Kazan Kremlin, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov had a meeting with members of the delegation of Uzbekistan led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gulomzhon Ibragimov.

Minnikhanov warmly welcomed participants of the meeting and expressed his confidence that the visit of the Uzbek delegation to Kazan will contribute to further development of cooperation between Tatarstan and Uzbekistan aimed at strengthening Russian-Uzbek relations.

Tatarstan President reminded about his visit to Uzbekistan in September this year and thanked Gulomzhon Ibragimov for the hospitality and eventful business and cultural programme.

Minnikhanov stressed that the volume of mutual trade between Tatarstan and Uzbekistan does not reflect all available opportunities. "There are great prospects for cooperation. Our similar languages, culture and customs contribute to that. But the most important thing is the will of the leaders of both countries," he said. 

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev identified the strengthening of interregional cooperation as a priority in the development of Russian-Uzbek relations, Minnikhanov said.

He continued that Tatarstan has great experience in the development of the oil and petrochemical industry. The key enterprises in this industry are Tatneft and Taif Companies. Minnikhanov offered to consider all possible options for cooperation in this area from the supply of finished products to Uzbekistan and the implementation of joint projects to cooperation in the training of industry specialists.

Minnikhanov added that Uzbekistan features the developed light industry. "I am sure that we will be able to establish contacts in this area. We should invite Uzbek business to the republic, offer them all the necessary conditions, provide overall support," Minnikhanov addressed Head of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Taliya Minullina.

Tatarstan President also noted the need to intensify tourism ties, cooperation in engineering, construction, housing and utilities, health, agriculture, information, culture spheres and a number of other areas.

Minnikhanov offered Ibrahimov to organize mutual visits of representatives of business circles and to determine key business projects by the end of the month.

In his turn Ibragimov thanked Tatarstan President for the reception, noting that the leadership of Uzbekistan is interested in boosting cooperation with the republic.

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