Rustam Minnikhanov: we have always relied on veterans’ experience in our work

8 November 2011, Tuesday
Tatarstan authorities appreciate and always take into account the opinion of members of public veteran organizations, RT President Rustam Minnikhanov stated at the VI report-election conference of Republican Council of public organizations of RT veterans (pensioners).

RT Vice-premier Zilya Valeeva, Deputy Chairman of State Council Rimma Ratnikova, chiefs of ministries, departments and municipal formations also took part in the event. Chairman of the Council Rafis Akhmetzyanov reported on working results.

Currently 52 city and regional, 3300 primary and 20 industry veteran organizations are functioning in Republic. Rafis Akhmetzyanov informed about events held by these organizations and thanked republican leadership for attention given to problems of veterans.

Rafis Akhmetzyanov emphasized the program on providing housing for veterans of Great Patriotic War by which more than 13 000 veterans received new flats.

Chairman of the Council also said he hopes for creating government structures on veterans’ affairs mentioning that a coordination board on veterans’ affairs was established at RF Government.

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov addressed attendees of the event. He thanked activists of veteran organizations for work they had done.

Rustam Minnikhanov told about current state and prospects of social and economic development of Republic and responded to suggestions made in the course of session. RT President supported the idea of creating coordination council on issues of activity of veteran organizations.

He also thinks it is necessary to organize training of heads of such organizations and courses on teaching elderly people computer competence on the basis of IT centres and comprehensive schools.

Tatarstan President believes as well it is important to involve veterans in educating the youth.

Head of Republic granted letters of gratitude to activists of veteran organizations and leaders of the Council were elected afterwards.
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