Message from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Tatar State Philharmonic Hall named after Gabdulla Tukai and the State Song and Dance company of the Republic of Tatarstan

21 August 2012, Tuesday

Dear friends!

An important event in the development of professional Tatar music, song and dance culture was the formation of the Tatar State Philharmonic named after Gabdulla Tukai and RT State Song and Dance company in 1937.

For seventy-five years of its eventful history, they have come a long career.

For a short period of time the Philharmonic and the Song and Dance company got truly all-union fame, becoming - along with Tatar Theater of Opera and Ballet and the Kazan State Conservatory - a bright business cards our young republic.

Today, musical life of Tatarstan and the Tatar people is inconceivable without their existence. Appearing for a long time on tour in different parts of the globe, the collectives of the Philharmonic and the Song and Dance company perform a noble and important mission, being, in fact, the ambassadors of Tatar culture.

A whole galaxy of prominent cultural figures, among which are the names of the I.V. Auhadeeva, Z.S. Akhmetova, F.A. Gaskarova, A.S. Klyucharev, O.L. Lundstrem, N.G. Rakhlin, D.H. Faizi, A. Shutikov and many others, has developed around these great concert organizations.

The Philharmonic served as the organizer of a number of modern prestigious competitions and festivals such as the International Competition "Tatar song", International Festival of Musical Art "Filarmoniada" and others.

I am sure that their enormous creativity, unique experience, and high fidelity of the national culture will help to preserve the musical heritage of the Tatar people and its further advancement into the global cultural space!

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov.
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