Rustam Minnikhanov participates in listening to the final variant of State anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan

21 February 2013, Thursday

Listening to the final variant of State anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan was held in S.Saidashev big state concert hall today.

Deputies of Tatarstan State Council, cultural and art workers, President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, State Counselor Mintimer Shaimiev, Chairman of Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin, Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov participated in the event.

To the point, the offered text of the anthem is a poem of Ramazan Baitimerov written in two state languages – Russian and Tatar. It was translated into Russian by Philipp Piraev.

Chairman of Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin said that 50 anthems of several entities of the Russian Federation had been analysed before.

Three versions of the final variant were performed later on the same day. At first, music of the State anthem was performed by the State symphonic orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan, words – by choir of Musa Dzhalil Tatar State academic opera and ballet theatre.

Then, the anthem was performed by lead singers, winners of All-Russia and international contests Regina Valeeva and Gulnara Rakhimova, honoured artists Vladimir Vasiliev and Rustem Asaev.

The third version was performed by the State symphonic orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Afterwards, deputies of Tatarstan State Council went to the 38th session of State Council to consider the bill “Concerning the introduction of amendments in Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On state symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan”.
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