Russian Ministry of Economic Development once again recognized the 100 percent efficiency of the Innopolis Special Economic Zone

4 July 2022, Monday

According to the assessment of Russian Ministry of Economic Development, in 2021, the efficiency of the Tatarstan special economic zone «Innopolis» again amounted to 100 per cent.

For the third year in a row, it has been recognized as one of the best Russian special economic zones of a technology-innovative type.

Today, 323 companies (residents, partners and start-ups) are working in the Innopolis SEZ, 100 of them were attracted in 2021. At the end of 2021, their cumulative investment volume amounted to 58.9 billion roubles (in 2020 - 39.5 billion), revenue - 113.3 billion rubles (2020 - 75.8 billion), the sum of collected taxes in budgets of all levels was 14.3 billion roubles compared to 10 billion in 2020 and the number of jobs created was 8375, compared to 6390 in 2020. The Innopolis SEZ not only actively attracts residents, but also develops infrastructure: two new “boomerang” technoparks are being built here, investment projects for the construction of two industrial sites have been launched. Also recently, the Government of Russia approved the expansion of the borders of the Innopolis SEZ with the inclusion of a venue in Kazan and the construction of a technopark.

“The systematic work of the Innopolis SEZ with the IT industry yields results and leads to the efficient and timely implementation of indicators. But the achievement of indicators is not an end in itself, we continue to actively work with investors, companies, IT specialists, and much work lies ahead,” Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov said.

Russian Ministry of Economic Development evaluated the work of 38 SEZs of various types (including 7 of the technology-innovative type) on 25 absolute and relative quantitative indicators, as well as on six performance indicators.

The activity of residents, profitability of investments of federal and regional budgets in infrastructure, activities of government authories and other parameters were taken into account.

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