Congratulation of Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin on the Day of Financier

8 September 2022, Thursday

On September 8, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin congratulated employees of the financial industry on their professional holiday - Day of the financier.

“On behalf of the Government of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I congratulate all the financiers of the republic and veterans of the financial industry on their professional holiday - the Day of the financier. At all times the work of a financier was rightfully honored and respected. And today, your daily work makes a great contribution to the implementation of the state budget and tax policy, strengthening the public finance management system, and ensuring the socio-economic stability of the country.

The development of modern Russia is unthinkable without an efficient and strong financial system, without a cohesive and motivated team of professionals. During this difficult period, the country faces very serious challenges. More than ever, systemic solutions are needed to move forward. Therefore, the process of financial management requires non-standard approaches, the ability to quickly respond to changing economic realities. On this holiday, I sincerely wish all financiers health, happiness and new achievements. Let all promising plans come true, and there will always be true friends and like-minded people.

Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin”

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