On 15 February in his address dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland, Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin congratulated residents of the republic with the event celebrated in Russia on 15 February and wrote:
“This day we remember the Great Feat of those who, risking their lives and keeping dedication to the oath, fulfilled their military duty. We are really proud of our compatriots who overcame hardships on their shoulders. And mourn those who did not come back from the battle fiends and were killed in action. Their feat will remain in our memory for ever.
Many international warriors and veterans, who went through the fire of hot spots, are still in the ranks, making a big contribution into the patriotic upbringing of the growing generation. Your heroism and noble deeds serve as an example for the future soldiers and officers.”
In conclusion Rustam Nigmatullin thanked the international warriors and veterans for their resilience and courage and wished them and their near ones good health and prosperity.