Tatarstan President meets with journalists of Tatarstan and federal media agencies

17 December 2013, Tuesday
On December 17 at a traditional Pre-New Year meeting with journalists of regional and federal media agencies Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov summarized results of the expiring year and assigned tasks for the future.

Tatarstan President told about social and economic development of the republic in 2013. He said that the most important event was summer Universiade 2013. Though planed economic rates were not achieved, GRP increased by 2 per cent and made 1.52 trillion rubles. 355 bln rubles of tax and non-tax proceeds were collected in the republic. The amount of capital investments made 535 bln rubles that is by 6.7 per cent more than last year.

Rustam Minnikhanov also told about major projects in petrochemical, oil refining, engineering, IT sectors, and social sphere. He reminded that 2014 will be the year of culture, and Kazan will be a cultural capital of Turkic world.

Answering the question about construction of high-speed railway “Moscow-Kazan”, Rustam Minnikhanov commented that it would become a “project of the century” and considerably improve the quality of life in the republic.

As for cases of setting fire to churches, guilty persons will soon be found and punished, and churches will be restored.

Tatarstan President also focused on transport problems in Kazan, saying he supports the idea of an expert in the sphere of urban planning Enrique Peñalosa.

Summing up, Rustam Minnikhanov thanked journalists for their work and wished good luck in new year.
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