RT Minister of economy Marat Safiullin presented preliminary results of 2009 and forecast for 2010

5 October 2009, Monday

According to preliminary results 2009, the volume of RT Gross Regional Product makes 877 bln. roubles, the volume of industrial production – 750 bln. roubles. Such information was presented by RT Minister of economy Marat Safiullin at a session of the RT Cabinet. The session was dedicated to forecast of social and economic development of Republic Tatarstan in 2010 and period 2011-2012. Participants discussed also RT bill “About RT budget for 2010 and planned period 2011-2012”and budget of RT mandatory health insurance Fund for 2010 and planned period 2011-2012.

By words of Marat Safiullin, according to the preliminary results 2009, production of agricultural products makes 128 bln. roubles, the volume of investments – 240 bln. roubles.
As for deterrent factors in the economy Minister of economy noted a slowdown of bank crediting volumes, growth of bills receivable and bills payable and tariff load (both for citizens and industry). Marat Safiullin also told about forecasted rates of republican economy for 2010. He noted that it is planned to commission 2 mln. m ² of housing in 2010.

By words of Marat Safiullin the forecast of social and economic development of Republic Tatarstan in 2010-1012 has been developed taking into consideration the scenario conditions of Russian economy development approved by RF government and based on dynamics and results of republic development in current year.

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