Nearly 90,000 square meters of housing commissioned for two weeks in Tatarstan

20 February 2016, Saturday

On February 20, speaking at a traditional regional meeting held by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov at Tatarstan Government House, Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Utilities of the republic Irek Faizullin reported that 389,900 square meters of housing, which makes 12 per cent compared with the same period of the previous year, have been commissioned in Tatarstan since the beginning of the year.

The reporter noted that based on results of inspections carried out by the Inspectorate of the State Construction Supervision and State Inspectorate of Labour since the start of 2016, 34 resolutions for violation of norms  and regulation of labour safety totaling to 1,766,000 roubles have been issued.

He continued to report  that 36 houses for 756 apartments have been commissioned under the social mortgage programme. Besides, 32 houses for rent are to be built.

According to the Minister, the construction of 18 houses for 120 veterans of the World War II is underway in the republic. Also, it is planned to provide housing for 311 orphans and 38 large families having five and more children.

Faizullin added that as for the low-rise construction, 1268 of 9000 houses have been commissioned in the republic.

The work within the Rural clubs programme has been started at 40 of 45 construction sites.

The Minister also reported about corporate housing projects, construction of new rural veterinary stations and health posts.

Minnikhanov has given an errand to define the deadline for commissioning of facilities that are under construction in the republic. Also, he asked to pay special attention to the capital repair of kindergartens and schools, adding that all works have to be completed by September 15.  

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