Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in opening of exhibition “Airspace technologies. Modern materials and equipment - 2010”

10 August 2010, Tuesday

“Tatarstan has always been a region with developed aircraft building, helicopter engineering and instrument making”, - Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov said at opening of the 5th international exhibition “Airspace technologies. Modern materials and equipment - 2010”.

The exposition traditionally located on the territory of exhibition centre “Kazan fair”.

By words of organizers, in the exhibition take part about 100 companies in the spheres of aircraft and helicopter building, scientific research centres, enterprises producing equipment for aircraft building. Enterprises and organizations from 24 regions of Russia, Ukraine, CIS countries and world are presented in Kazan.

President of JSC “United aircraft building corporation” Aleksey Fedorov, Director general of JSC “OPK “Oboronprom” Andrey Reus attended the opening ceremony.

Addressing with welcoming speech towards guests and participants of the exhibition Rustam Minnikhanov noted that airspace area had always been actual one for Tatarstan.

Aleksey Fedorov announced that Kazan is considered to be the centre of aircraft building. By his words, serious scientific base, school for training specialists are situated here.

Within the limits of exhibition two agreements were signed between Tatarstan government and JSC “United aircraft building corporation”.

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