Ildar Khalikov meets Chairman of Government Sakhalin region Vera Shcherbina

25 April 2016, Monday

On April 25, at their meeting at Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers, Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov and Chairman of Government of Sakhalin region Vera Shcherbina discussed issues related to cooperation in terms of public administration and other areas, as well as using applied experiences of the republic.  

A delegation of Sakhalin region led by its Government Chairman Vera Shcherbina arrived in Kazan yesterday. During its stay in the republic, the delegation will visit some ministries and departments, Training and Laboratory Campus of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University, Khimgrad Technopolis, Regional Medical Science Center, IT park, get acquainted with the activity of the Kazan agricultural park, as well as visit the Alabuga Special Economic Zone.

Khalikov said that the republic is ready to share its best practices and transfer documents related to the Single Customer System of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Utilities of the republic (projects, estimates, accounting and control systems) as necessary.

Khalikov has given an errand to representatives of regional ministries and departments to tell Sakhalin colleagues about investment and other major projects currently being implemented in the republic.

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Industry and Trade of the republic Albert Karimov, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Information and Communication of the republic Roman Shaikhutdinov, Tatarstan Minister of Economy Artem Zdunov, Aide to Tatarstan Prime Minister Nazil Nisabullin, Head of Tatarstan State Committee on Tourism Sergey Ivanov and other officials took part in the meeting.

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